

Wonders in the Deep

On her fifth album, Wonders in the Deep, Mary-Kathryn blends elements of soft pop, New Age and folk with world music influences as diverse as the continents to create a spiritual amalgam that transcends musical boundaries. Delving deep into the world music realm, Mary-Kathryn paints word pictures on an aural canvas with exotic instrumentation, adroit […]

Deep Calls to Deep

Hear My Cry

Mary-Kathryn combines contemporary music with world beat and envelopes a faith based message that transcends


Synesthesia & the Prophetic Gift

Synesthesia  is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. Prophetic  foretelling events. In thinking about it, I believe there must be a connection between synesthetic experiences and the prophetic gift.  Without getting into the theology of it all, it […]

More To See

In a vision, I entered an empty room of an old house.  The room was filled only with the sunlight that was spilling through an open window, and a warm breeze blew through, as well.  As I drew closer to the open window, the hanging sheer billowed with the breeze and wrapped round me as […]

Beyond Information

In this information-packed world we live in it’s almost impossible to go anywhere there’s not a television or other electronic device ready to feed you the latest on any given topic.  We are willingly, unwillingly or even subconsciously connected to a never-ending stream. So, it’s easy to understand how we might find ourselves completely and […]