“Know God’s Call on your life – who you are in Him.”
1 Corinthians 2 Romans 12 2 Timothy 1:5-9
Over the years I’ve asked so many Christians I’ve met along the way, “What’s God called you to do?” and the majority just didn’t know. In January 1987, I heard the Lord speak very clearly to me about what He was calling me to do. He said, “I’ve called you to be a psalmist. The songs I’m going to give you will bring healing and deliverance and be prophetic in nature.” And at that point, I’d never even written a song! Learning the call on my life that day has made it a whole lot easier to obey God’s commands on my life. Having a job description makes it easier to get your work done!
Can you serve anywhere in the Body of Christ? Yes, but you have to realize that doing “anything-anywhere-anytime” for the Lord doesn’t necessarily put you in the obedient category. It could just mean that you haven’t asked, or heard God say, what He’s called you to do. You may just be doing what you think is best. A good illustration of this: When my daughter was about 11 years old, I remember telling her that it was time to clean her room. Company was about to arrive and I wanted it to look nice. About an hour later (which I thought gave her plenty of time), I opened her door only to find that she’d instead used the hour to paint me a picture. “Look what I painted for you, Mom!” Was her work good? Oh, yes. But was she obedient? No. Consequences ensued. Don’t suffer unnecessary consequences of not walking in obedience to God. Take time today to ask Him what He’s called you to do.