“Don’t forget what God’s already told you!”
Isaiah 46:9 Psalm 77:11 Psalm 105:5
Forgetting the things the Lord has already told you – promises, dreams, revelations, scripture verses – is a HUGE mistake. Forgetting causes our hearts to grow faint. We begin losing our testimony of truth about God. We lose our spiritual vision, and ultimately will become discouraged and hopeless. What God has already said and done are the truth that we stand on when the storms come. Remembering and speaking that truth gives us the power to refute the enemy’s lies. Our testimonies, with the blood of Jesus, are the things that make us overcomers.
I keep a “Book of Remembrance” – my journal. In it I have written the prophetic words I’ve received, scriptures the Lord has used to speak into my life, dreams that I’ve had, testimonies of God’s protection, provision, answered prayers, healings, etc. The reason I do this is because there have come, and will come, times when I’m going to doubt; times when I’m going to grow weary and my heart will want to faint. When these times come, I open my journal and begin remembering and reminding myself of who God has been for me; His faithfulness to me and my family!
There are so many references to the importance of remembering God’s love and faithfulness in scripture. Remembering builds our faith, and faith is what it takes to please God. Having faith in Him reveals our trust in Him. God’s words are truth. When He speaks to you, believe Him and don’t ever forget!