Category: Journal

The Sound of Thunder School

Singing and teaching at Thunder School last Friday was one of the great highlights of my year, and has been now for three years in a row.   What an amazingly gifted and talented group of young people who are utterly committed to the call of God on their lives.  They come from all over the […]


When I begin work on a new album I always have an idea of where I want to go with it, but have found I ultimately end up someplace else, which makes it all the more exciting.  Since the process of creating is a very organic one (as if the thing being created takes on a life of its own), I feel like every song then becomes a new discovery.  And so it has […]

Fear Itself

There are things we all dream of achieving in life; things we hope and pray we might one day accomplish.  And why not?  I think God has uniquely designed each of us to do great things; to make a difference in the world.  I believe we can use the imagination and creativity we’ve been given to […]