Category: Journal

“Wonders In the Deep” – a glimpse at my journey

As I write, I’m in the middle of production on my upcoming album – “Wonders In the Deep.”  This has been a long process compared to my 4 previous.  Maybe because I haven’t had the budget I’ve had in the past.  Maybe because I was distracted. I think it’s something

5 Important Things I’ve Learned – #5

“Don’t forget what God’s already told you!” Isaiah 46:9      Psalm 77:11     Psalm 105:5 Forgetting the things the Lord has already told you – promises, dreams, revelations, scripture verses – is a HUGE mistake.  Forgetting causes our hearts to grow faint. We begin losing our testimony of truth about God.  We lose our

5 Important Things I’ve Learned – #4

“Say what you KNOW. Don’t worry about what you don’t know.” Revelation 12:10-11 Ephesians 6:17 I don’t know everything, but I know something! And that something I know is my testimony. Years ago, a church of approximately 2,000 members was launching their Sunday morning television broadcast, and asked me to come lead the entire service […]