Category: Journal

5 Important Things I’ve Learned – #1

“Believe every word God speaks to you.” In Hebrews 3:14-19 it says – “For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. But never forget the warning:

Music That Heals

I received this message from a woman in Missouri today and am unbelievably blessed by it.  She found one of my CD’s and began listening.  In just moments she was receiving the revelation that God was with her in the middle of her trials.  Another powerful testimony of how God can

What I Hear God Saying

In March, we (my husband, the kids and I) took our annual Spring Break trip to Florida.  While we were there I had a dream, that I’m still seeking the interpretation of, which ended with the Lord speaking these words,“Good is coming, but with a sting.” When I awoke, I asked Him what these words meant […]